For the past two days, I've been up at dawn to head to the beach to take photos of the sunrise. I came down to Amelia Island for a little R&R ahead of the State Bar's Annual Meeting, which opened yesterday. This morning, I'm up at the same time of morning, but to get ready to head down to Amelia Island Plantation--where the State Bar is conducting its Annual Members' Meeting. This I have attended in the past to pick up the Best Newsletter Award for the DeKalb Bar Association. Now, it will be as a member-elect of the Board of Governors. (Swearing in is tomorrow.) Also on my agenda for today: the luncheon panel discussion for appellate court candidates that my friend and travel companion Chris Smith will be moderating; an afternoon CLE to learn the ins and outs of Casemaker; and, finally, an alumni reception hosted by Georgia State University's College of Law. Do I know how to have fun at the beach or what?
But here is the best part of the trip, so far. Last night, after dinner in Fernandina, I was at the grocery store with Chris and her husband when I ran into the person who first started pushing me to go to law school, whom I haven't seen in quite some time. He recognized me there all out of context and traveling incognito in shorts and a tie-dye T-shirt. He's down for the convention, too. The aisles of the Publix aren't the best place to catch up, so I'm looking forward to finding him again at the convention for a better discussion.
I'm taking my computer, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get Internet access for updates. One of these days I may have to get a Blackberry or an Iphone or something like that.
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