The Midyear Meeting is supposed to start Thursday, January 13. The Board of Governors meeting is scheduled for the morning of Saturday, January 15.
Given the current forecast, I don’t foresee how I can possibly drive to Nashville on Friday. My street is a sheet of four-inch ice and there is only more cold weather ahead. But maybe by voicing these negative thoughts, I will create a miracle to prove me wrong.
Meanwhile, I’ve emailed the State Bar’s president, executive director, and communications person to ask if there is a contingency plan. I thought perhaps a teleconference from the various State Bar HQs in Atlanta, Tifton and Savannah. I’m told my inquiry is premature. Though if there is a change of plans, they will let me know.
Don’t ask me why this meeting is being held in Nashville. The decision predates my being on the board. I know there was some talk about the board checking out various locations as potential sites for the annual meeting, which requires a large number of rooms, etc. that few places in Georgia can accommodate. (The State Bar even has a stock response on their web site as to why the annual meeting is held out of state, though the key element of “beach location” seems totally missing with Nashville.
I have received numerous complaints from people who might have attended the Midyear Meeting in Atlanta, but are rejecting attending a meeting in Nashville. I have asked them to write bar leaders about these concerns. Who knows if any will follow through?
As for the upcoming BOG meeting, I’m cutting and pasting the full agenda with hyperlinks below. But here are some of the highlights:
The Board will consider adopting a policy to have its advisory committee on legislation review proposed constitutional amendments and decide whether the State Bar should take a stance on such measures. This proposal seems to follow up on the debate at the Fall BOG meeting regarding the misleading ballot language drafted for the ratification of Amendment One.
The Board will consider a proposal regarding law student members, which would allow them to join for no cost and receive bar publications electronically.
The Board will consider creating a new Professional Liability Section, which would focus on non-medical fields, including architects, attorneys, CPAs, land surveyors and professional engineers.
All State Bar members, and not just BOG members, would be allowed to vote on bylaw amendments addressing associates and student associates as well as executive committee duties.
Nominations of State Bar officers and American Bar Association delegates are scheduled.
In addition, the Board will receive a report from its legislative committee on upcoming proposals before the General Assembly, which include:
Repeal of the Rule Against Perpetuities and adoption of a uniform Estate Tax Apportionment Act;
Amendments to the Georgia Code regarding utility liens;
Funding requests by the Judicial Qualifications Commission;
Adoption of a statewide jury source list that would eliminate forced balancing of the jury list;
Clerk’s Office fees for the preparation of transcripts to the state appellate courts; and,
Information regarding previous committee meetings and the composition of the General Assembly.
Finally, there will be a number of information reports given orally and provided in writing.
Here is the full BOG agenda:
Saturday, January 15, 2011
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center
Nashville, Tennessee
a) Call to Order: Lester Tate, President
b) Recognition of Past Presidents & Special Guests: Lester Tate
c) Roll Call (by signature): Robin Clark, Secretary
d) Minutes of the 233rd Meeting of the Board of Governors, October 16, 2010 (action): Robin Clark
e) Future Meetings Schedule: Lester Tate
a) Standing Board Policy 100, Re: Constitutional Amendments: Bob McCormack
b) State Bar Rule 1-206.1, Re: Law Student Members: Bob McCormack; Michael Geoffroy
c) Proposed Professional Liability Section: Bob McCormack; Douglas Chandler
d) BASICS: Nancy Whaley, Seth Kirshenbaum
3) MEMBERS' MEETING: All active State Bar of Georgia members are invited to attend and vote on the following action items.
a) Bylaw Article 1, Section 6, Associates and Student Associates (action): Bob McCormack; Michael Geoffroy
b) Bylaw Article IV, Section 2, Executive Committee Duties (action): Bob McCormack
a) Nominations of State Bar Officers: Lester Tate
(nominations = 5 minutes, seconds = 2 minutes)
1 year terms 2011-2012
(1) Office of Treasurer
(2) Office of Secretary
(3) Office of President-elect
b) Nominations of ABA Delegates Lester Tate
2 year terms September 2011-2013
(1) Post 2 to succeed Paula Frederick
(2) Post 4 to succeed Donna Barwick
5) LEGISLATION: Tom Cauthorn, Chair, ACL; Charles Clay, Vice Chair, ACL
a) Fiduciary Law Section: Jim Robinson
(1) Repeal of the Rule Against Perpetuities
(2) Adoption of the Uniform Estate Tax Apportionment Act
b) Real Property Law Section: Patrise Perkins Hooker, Chair
(1) Amendments to O.C.G.A. Sections 44-14-320 and 36-60-17 regarding utility liens
c) Judicial Qualifications Commission: Jeff Davis, Director JQC
(1) FY11 and FY12 Funding Requests
d) Administrative Office of the Courts: Michael Cuccaro, Special Assistant
(1) Statewide Jury Source List; Eliminate Forced Balancing of Jury List
e) HB 1055, Clerks' Fee for the Preparation of Records and Transcripts to the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals ($10 per page to $1.50 per page): Lester Tate; Bryan Cavan (Resolution)
(1) Legislative Approach
(2) Committee to Examine Current Approach
(3) Possible Resolution of the Board of Governors Regarding Current Approach
f) Information: Tom Boller; Rusty Sewell
(1) Minutes, ACL Meeting 1, September 8, 2010
(2) Minutes, ACL Meeting 2, December 8, 2010
(3) Senate and House Composition
a) Treasurer's Report: Buck Ruffin, Treasurer
(2) 2011-2012 Budget Timetable
b) Young Lawyers Division: Michael Geoffroy
c) Executive Committee Minutes: Bryan Cavan, Immediate Past President 19
(1) September 30, 2010
d) UPL Advisory Opinion 2010-2 Representation of Garnishees: Lester Tate
e) Military Legal Assistance Program Awards: Buck Ruffin
f) ABA Report: Linda Klein; Allan Tanenbaum
g) Lawyers Foundation of Georgia: Laurel Landon
a) Law Related Education
b) Law Practice Management
c) Office of General Counsel
d) Consumer Assistance Program
e) BPC Financial Health Insurance
f) Cornerstones of Freedom
h) Fastcase
i) Red Flags Bill
j) GDOT's Transit Hub (Gulch)
k) AJC Building
l) Transition into Law Practice
m) July 2010 Bar Exam
a) Old Business: Lester Tate
b) New Business: Lester Tate
c) Questions/Answers; Comments/Suggestions: Board of Governors; Officers; Executive Committee; Executive Director; General Counsel
d) Adjournment: Lester Tate
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